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22 ID: Your Zen guide, the Art of Curation, & Faces of Design

Such wonderful news to share, starting with the hammock room and it getting some well-deserved recognition. It feels extra special having your work *actually* published on paper - specifically a newspaper like the LA Times. So many friends and clients emailed as they discovered the feature below on a beautiful Sunday morning. This West Hollywood indoor hammock room has to be one of the all time favorite 22 Interiors designed spaces. The insanely talented photographer Lane Coder is behind the photo on the wall which made extra easy to be inspired.

Thank you to the very special client who allowed 22 to create such a space and to the Amy's - Amy Preiser for writing the piece and Amy Bartlam for shooting it.

how to create zen in your home

In other news, it was so lovely of Victoria de la Camara of Rue Magazine to highlight the importance of minimalism and CURATION (side note: this is just one of the best reasons to hire an interior designer). Both of which were the underlying principles of design in our Mt Washington project. Less is more for this couple and it pays off. What you can't see is the glorious hillside and mountain views this couple has, along with a backyard filled with mature trees. They have busy lives, are surrounded by a busy mother nature, and this interior style translates to their idea of a ZEN DEN.


SO HONORED by this - HGTV nominated 22 Interiors in their 2017 Faces of Design in their Kid-Tastic Spaces Category! Voting ENDS TODAY. We hate asking but it would mean the world to us if you took a minute to vote. Click on the image below.


As you can see, it has been a fabulous and busy season. Extra excited to share more projects- one in Manhattan Beach, our very own renovation in Studio City, and a super fun BOLD makeover (more like a 22 ID takeover) of an English Tutor.

Thank you for reading (and voting if you did)!

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