I'm jumping UP and DOWN with excitement about a few projects that we recently shot in the Big Apple. Note - they are all arguably still *works in progress* but I was too impatient to wait any longer before getting professional pictures of these spaces. Today I'm sharing our Upper East Side prewar Park Avenue condo project.
Say hello to some BOLD moves. Everyone knows I am obsessed with Drikolor paints. They are hand made in Australia using no more than eight minerals for each shade. They are the most incredible colors with the deepest tones you've ever seen. Their ultramarine blue - TRUE BLUE - is to die for. Our risk-taking fabulous Park Avenue client agreed. We went bold in the extra long galley entry of her home.

Black crystal table lamps and a custom mirror sit atop a one-of-a-kind graffitied console.

We are still contemplating runners.... we love the wood floors but next level of layering is definitely adding some warmth under the feet

A pop of a real art (an original Damien Hirst) and faux fur - because why not?
Moving along to the living room, for our client the unexpected is exciting..
Pairing a Ligne Roset Ploum sofa in red with a few fabulous Missoni upholstered chairs is just a perfect combination of unique. The Hunt Slonem painting was a recent purchase and it completes the room perfectly. We redid the fireplace mantel and shelves prior to their move in date. The ribbon-like sconces feel so flirty next to the TV - love them. We added picture lights above the bookshelves and they light up the room beautifully - adding much more light and illuminating the super fun objects and books from our client's collection.
On to the even more playful stuff - the girls' rooms...

First, a classic pink bedroom but with modern touches throughout like an Eero Aarnio globe chair and a fun, colorful, grid-like carpet. We de-accessorized this room for the photo, so any parents out there - don't think other children's rooms look this clean!

Our client's elder daughter obsessed over this wallpaper, and in the end, we did too. When coupled with a solid soft wool carpet and a pop of color behind those bookshelves, it works beautifully.
Finally, moving along to the master bedroom via a hallway that still needs work (family portraits to come... but done in a very different way, of course).

We wallpapered the walls in an almost alligator texture white wallpaper with a slightly effervescent effect. The lights are what I always say about good lighting - they are THE JEWELRY OF A ROOM. I'm obsessed with the sculptural quality to them and when they are dimmed, the way the light bulb shows through the glass is quite beautiful.
Finally - the master bedroom.

My client and I did argue a bit over the fabric for the roman shades. I was super hesitant because the pattern felt too Rorschach for my comfort. But once installed and up, I have to say it works REALLY well. Note the amazing wallpapered ceiling and crystal lamps.

This home is always a delightful work in progress - adding each layer is always very considered, but then very much loved - it's really about the journey and I adore being part of it.
Thank you for looking and reading!
Photos by Amanda Villarosa